Giving Thanks

By November 19, 2022New Mexico

With the soon celebration of Thanksgiving all across this great nation of ours, it is only fitting that I express my deep gratitude for you, our members, and our partners in ministry.

2022 has been an amazing year of opportunity and open doors. The Lord has seen fit to allow us to engage with our elected officials through the building of relationships as a result of prayer, office visits, telephone calls, emails, and work in the field. The Lord has made a way for Concerned Women for America (CWA) of New Mexico to increase in influence through growth in our grassroots efforts by way of Prayer/Action Chapters whose purpose is to educate on the issues, pray over the issues, and act on those issues. Our CWA of New Mexico leaders across the state have received excellent training and are making a difference in their individual communities thanks to your prayers and financial investment in our organization.

I would like to share one of my favorite Thanksgiving quotes. It will be my prayer for us all during this special holiday season. “I think that it is a better thing than thanksgiving: thanks-living. How is this to be done? By a general cheerfulness of manner, by an obedience to the command of Him by whose mercy we live, by a perpetual, constant delighting of ourselves in the Lord, and by a submission of our desires to His will.” Charles Spurgeon

I would enjoy hearing from you during this Thanksgiving season. Feel free to reach out to me via email at or give me a call at (575)770-7838.

Giving thanks for you,

Nickie McCarty
State Director