Gender Identity As a Protected Class Is Stopped In Kansas House Judiciary Committee

By January 19, 2016Kansas

“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Geneses 1:27)

Thank you for your prayers and action concerning the January 14 House Judiciary Committee hearing on HB 2323.  If passed HB 2323 would have paved the way for gender identity as a protected class.  Tension was pretty high during the testimony, but as it finished at about 5:10 p.m., CWA of Kansas Special Adviser CWA of Kansas Education Specialist and myself observed what seemed to be a fresh wind blowing.

Five people testified in favor of the bill, including a transgendered person, two pastors and a former mayor of Salina, Kansas.  Then Rep. Janice Pauls (R-District 102) testified against the bill.  She pointed out that including heterosexuality in the definition of sexual orientation makes it too broad, and that the definition of gender identity is unclear.  She fielded a few questions, and then Kellie Fiedorek from the National Defense League spoke.  She talked about similar laws that have been enacted in other places, and pointed out that in Houston when a similar law came to a vote that over 60% of the people voted against it.

The belief is HB 2323 will not be addressed again.  However, the battle over gender identity will probably continue to be waged during this legislative session.

Pray for the legislators themselves as we suspect they will be pressured in many ways.  Pray for the CWA of Kansas Steering Committee we strategize on how to oppose these kinds of bills and others.

Take Action: Keep informed through e-alerts from CWA of Kansas on this issue.  Be ready to speak out when called upon.  We need to make our voices heard for the sake of our businesses, public accommodations and freedom of faith.


Barbara Saldivar

State Director
CWA of Kansas