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For America (Day 2)

By November 5, 2014Prayer


We thank you, oh God, by Whom and through Whom all things are created, for Your mercy and grace towards us. You have been patient and gentle, slow to anger, and abundant in love. May all in America revere and exalt Your name.

We thank You for the freedoms we enjoy in our land. We know that, ultimately, all good things come from You, so we humble ourselves with gratitude, and we ask you to forgive us for our pride.

We thank you for days where we can see the blessings of the righteous ruling in our country. The righteous know how dependent we are on You, that You and only You are our refuge, and this brings peace and hope among the people.

We lift up our civil servants to You. Give them the wisdom and focus they need to govern for the good of the people. Let Your Word dwell close to them at every moment. Deliver them from the opportune, deceitful counsel of those around them who may be seeking their own gain and not Your justice. Protect them from the lure of power and greed. May they see Your treasures beyond and value You above all the offers of men.

Let Your light and Your truth shine throughout every state in America and beyond to all the ends of the earth. May we run to You, our exceeding Joy.
