Florida Pastor Protection Bill in Jeopardy – Your Prayers and Actions are Needed!

By February 25, 2016Florida

Florida Senate Bill 110, known as the Pastor Protection Bill, was temporarily suspended from the Senate floor on Tuesday.

“Churches or Religious Organizations; Providing that churches or religious organizations, related organizations, or certain individuals may not be required to solemnize any marriage or provide services, accommodations, facilities, goods, or privileges for related purposes if such action would violate a sincerely held religious belief; prohibiting certain legal actions, penalties, or governmental sanctions against such individuals or entities, etc.”

In other words, if SB 110 does not pass, the entities named above will be subject to religious persecution in a variety of forms, as listed above, if they do not perform a same-sex marriage ceremony, allow their building to be used for such ceremonies and more.

CWA of Florida whole-heartedly supports this religious freedom bill.

While SB 110 is retained on the Senate calendar and is expected to be debated in the full Senate Chamber next Wednesday, March 2, there is growing opposition.

Our pastors and churches are depending on us.  Please pray and take action today!

Please Pray that this bill will pass as it stands.

Please take action Before Wednesday, March 2: 

  1. Contact your Senator and Representative from your district and let them know that you support the Pastor Protection Bill, SB 110, as it stands.  Click here to find out who your legislators are as well as how to contact them.  It’s easy!
  2. Pass this e-alert on to friends and family and ask them to pray and take action on this crucial bill.