ERA Heads to the Senate Floor for a Vote – It Needs Your Opposition Now!

By January 11, 2019Virginia

A special thanks to all of you who responded to our last e-alert by contacting the members of the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee in opposition to the ERA, SJR 284. Though it passed 8 to 6, it is always important that our legislators know where we stand.

Only five individuals for, and five individuals against, were permitted to testify.  Your new State Director, Toni Delancey, did a phenomenal job of representing you before the committee as one of the five in opposition.  Read her testimony here.

SJR 284 now goes to the Senate floor for a vote.  A vote that could happen any moment. If passed it will go to the House Privileges and Elections Committee. Click here to view its current status, history, text and more. Click here for ERA talking points.

Please take action now! 

  1. Contact your senator and ask him/her to vote against the ERA, SJR 284. Feel free to use some of these talking points. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Virginia. Click here to find out who your senator is as well as how to contact him/her.
  2. Contact the members of the House Privileges and Elections Committee. This is extremely important.  We expect the Senate to not only move fast on this but to vote for it.  This will therefore immediately place SJR 284 in committee for a vote.  With a Republican majority, the House is where we expect to have the most advantage.  They need a clear message, that as a woman, you vehemently oppose the ERA! Feel free to use some of these talking points. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Virginia.
  3. Pass this e-alert on to others. Encourage them to both pray and act immediately.

Please continue to pray against this horrendous amendment.  Pray for your senator and the committee members by name as you contact them. 

The Attempt to Repeal Virginia’s Marriage Amendment – Failed!

Thanks be to God!  With a tie vote of 7 to 7 the efforts of the left to eliminate the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, failed.

Thank you in advance for your diligence through both your prayers and actions.

Tanya Ditty
National Field Director
Concerned Women for America