Encourage-A-Legislator Program

By January 12, 2011Iowa

Have you ever thought about praying for your leaders? We often criticize them. Some times we even call them and let them know what they have done wrong. We might even call and tell them what they should do. But do you ever just tell them ‘Thank You'”? These legislators serve at the State House approximately four months. Many of them travel to Des Moines and are away from their families all week during this time. No matter whether we agree or disagree with the votes of each legislator, we can appreciate their sacrifice and time away from their families.

I Timothy 2:1 & 2 tells us to pray for our leaders. Concerned Women for America of Iowa offers members and friends the ability to do just that in a very easy way. Through the Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program, CWA members and friends can send pre-printed postcards that have a quote from a Founding Father affirming our Christian heritage as a nation and an encouraging Scripture verse. EAL volunteers need only address, stamp and sign the postcards, but some wish to add a personal note of encouragement, and this is fine. Volunteers simply slip a card in the mail each week and take a moment to pray for their assigned legislator asking for their wisdom and guidance during the legislative session. The book of James tells us that when we ask for wisdom it will be given in plenty. Who among us cannot use more wisdom?

The EAL program is never used to lobby and, therefore, is never confrontational. It is simply a great way to lift up those in authority and thank them for their service. Many good relationships have started through the EAL program, and the program is designed that anyone in the state can participate without much effort or cost. Several legislators have sent specific prayer request to their prayer partners over the years as well as notes of thanks for the prayer covering and the encouraging cards. By participating in this program, CWA friends and members are fulfilling the Biblical command of praying for our leaders in 1 Timothy 2 and living out the command to love one another, as well as being a good citizen.

Click here to sign-up. Please include your name, address, phone number and county. We will then send you your EAL packet and contact you with any addition information you will need such as potential prayer requests from you legislator.

https://concernedwomen.org/articledisplay.asp?id=14557&department=FIELD&categoryid=misc>CLick hereto view legislators’ comments on EAL.

Feel free to e-mail questions to our Records Correspondent at records@iowa.cwfa.org or give us a call at (515) 963-0888.