Douglas County Candidate Forum a Great Success!

By October 25, 2016Kansas

Candidates from the U.S. House of Representatives, State Senate and State House of Representatives Participated.

douglas-candidate-forum-bWith candidates from three different races and both parties, the attendees heard very diverse comments in answer to their questions at our Douglas County Candidate Forum.  The Moderator, Pastor John McFarland, did an outstanding job as he conveyed the written questions from the audience as well as questions from CWALAC of Kansas’ Candidate Questionnaire.  Even though the candidates disagreed on some of the issues, they were respectful and cordial.  The audience was also very respectful and offered questions concerning some of CWA’s core issues such as education, sanctity of life and the election of judges.  The Forum was informative and everyone seemed to be pleased with the outcome.

Watch the videos of this great event!  Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

Ann Mah, State School Board Member, District 4, Marci Francisco, State Senator, District 2, Meredith Richey, State Senator, Disrict 2,  Jim Karleskint, Echo Van Mereten, State Senator, District 3, Tom Holland, State District 3 (Sue Mollenkamp, State School Board Member, District 4 and James Houston Bales, Congressional District 2 not shown.)

Please pray

  • Pray for the candidates, they are working so hard to attend as many forums as possible.
  • Pray for their families as some are reporting health problems and the pressure of campaigning door-to-door.
  • Pray for the candidates, that they will be able to give a true picture of how they will lead in the legislature.

Take action

  • Contact me at or call 785-260-5659 if you are interested in inviting us to do a presentation concerning education or on any of our other core issues.  We can discuss a location for your event, who to invite, how to get the public notified, and any questions you have.
  • Check out the 2016 She Votes page.  We have some great resources that I’m sure you will find helpful.
  • Vote on November 8 or get an early election ballot from your local county elections office.

Remember, now is the time to be more involved in defending family values in your community, our great state and America. We can make a difference in the makeup of our Kansas Senate and Kansas House!


Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWALAC of Kansas
(785) 260-5659