Don’t Delay – Stop NDSU From Escorting Planned Parenthood Into North Dakota’s Schools

By May 24, 2018North Dakota

Planned Parenthood Safe Spaces classes offered by North Dakota State University (NDSU) need to be cancelled! These classes are offered for any teacher with students Kindergarten through 12th grade!

Thank you everyone that responded to the e-alert we put out on Wednesday on this matter!  If you have not yet contacted President Dean Bresciani’s office, please do so as soon as possible.  Ask him to cancel all Safe Spaces classes.  Consider using some of the points below as well as from Wednesday’s e-alert. I contacted him as the State Director and am awaiting a reply.  We need to flood his office with outrage.

  • Please email President Bresciani at Unfortunately the link to the email address we put out Wednesday didn’t work. (A phone number could not be found.)
  • Email Bresciani’s Chief of Staff, Chris Wilson, at , and then give him a call at (701) 231-6409.

Planned Parenthood is the farthest thing from a reputable organization.  In addition to the reasons I laid out in yesterday’s e-alert, here are even more, all involving the violation of both state and federal law.  Again, as last time, be forewarned, most of these links are offensive and not for children.

  • Planned Parenthood’s approach to sex education is harmful and dangerous to children. They have been known to even do a seminar for teenagers on BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism). One of Planned Parenthood’s online “resources”, Go Ask Alice, encourages things like playing with feces, drinking urine, and bestiality. (Here is one of many places in which Planned Parenthood recommends Go Ask Alice as a valid resource.)
  • Planned Parenthood’s record of not helping victims of known sexual abuse situations has occurred in multiple states. One such example occurred in the state of Washington were Planned Parenthood was in violation of both state and federal law many times.  For a seven year period Planned Parenthood failed to report child sexual abuse in which a man raped his daughter and took her to have multiple abortions.
  • Planned Parenthood is currently under federal investigation for selling human fetal tissue.

This issue is so very important! We must speak up and keep Planned Parenthood away from our students!

Anyone that has yet to make phone calls or send email messages asking that the Safe Spaces classes be cancelled, please do so now.

Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota