Dinner Cruise and Lobby Day – March 16 & 17

By February 28, 2021Texas

The days are passing quickly. The Texas legislature has been in session for almost six weeks now. In the State House of Representatives, 2,219 bills and 93 proposed constitutional amendments have been filed. In the State Senate, 769 bills and 30 proposed constitutional amendments have been filed. Each one of these bills and amendments could make a significant impact on you and your family, your community, and our state.

March 16 Event: CWA of Texas Dinner Cruise
Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Texas is hosting a dinner cruise on Tuesday evening, March 16. In addition to fun, you will enjoy good food and be informed on current issues by outstanding speakers on one of two riverboats. Speakers include CWA’s policy experts from Washington D.C.: Legal Counsel Mario Diaz, Esq. and Vice President of Government Relations Doreen Denny. You will also hear from state leaders and more.

Here are the details:
Date: Tuesday, March 16
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Austin

Click here for all the details on the dinner cruise, including how to register for the event and information on our block of hotel rooms.

March 17: Texas Faith and Family Day at the Capitol

Join Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Texas, like-minded organizations, and conservatives at the “Texas Faith and Family Day at the Capitol” in Austin on Wednesday, March 17. There will be a legislative briefing on a variety of topics followed by lunch. Topics include the lives of both born and unborn babies, sex education in our schools, protection for females in sports, religious freedom, election integrity, and more.

Here are the details:
Date: Wednesday, March 17
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 1:15 +
Location: Near Texas Capitol in Austin
For more information and tickets for the session and lunch can be reserved here.

You are also invited to make an appointment to visit with your representative and senator that afternoon. See the information below my signature line on how to set up your appointment.

Do you really want to make a difference?!  Make plans now to attend both events!  And be sure to invite some friends!

“When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice …” Proverbs 29:2

Ann Hettinger
State Director

PS: Here is how to make an appointment to see your state representative and/or senator:

  1. Contact your state representative and state senator and request an appointment.
  2. If you do not know who your legislators are, click here. Enter your address and press search.