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Definition of the Family

By February 16, 2012Defense of Family, Texas

The following is a condensation of an article by North Texas Area Director Kia Mutranowski that appears in the February 2012 CWA of Texas Newsletter.

Family is the oldest, most familiar of social institutions and seems to be the most stable, enduring and universal unit of society worldwide.  God ordained the family in Genesis 2:18 when He stated, “It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him.” It was then that He created Eve and brought her to Adam.  God instructed the man to leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, becoming one flesh.  This union is known as marriage thus making Adam and Eve the world’s first family.

A family is a place of love and responsibility.  A family’s prime function is to rear and care for children.  Families are related by marriage, then blood or adoption as children come along.  God chose to join a male with a female to procreate.  Man cannot change what God has ordained.  Homosexuality is therefore condemned in Scripture and deemed unnatural (See Romans 1:24-27).


“CWA is committed to defendingGod’s idea of family” People who would change this definition of family in our world today are not rebelling against societal norms or traditional values; they are rebelling against God and His law.  CWA is committed to defending God’s idea of family; a man and a woman joined in marriage who will welcome the arrival of children to their union.

In a recent article Dr. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky wrote, “Out of wedlock births for the highly educated now run at about 6 percent.  Compare that to 44 percent for moderately educated mothers and 54 percent for those with the least education.  The children of the more educated are now more likely to live with both biological parents than the children of the moderately educated middle class.  As the researchers note, patterns that devastated minority and urban populations in recent decades have now spread to the suburbs and Middle America.

“As W. Bradford Wilcox of the University of Virginia explains: ‘The numbers are clear.  Wherever we look among the communities that make up the bedrock of the American middle class . . . the data tell the same story: Divorce is high, non-marital childbearing is spreading, and marital bliss is in increasingly short supply.’

“The researchers suggest that the great “change of heart” on marriage within the middle class can be traced to three developments.  First, even though the moderately educated have traditionally been more conservative on moral issues related to marriage, they are now increasingly more permissive in terms of social and sexual morality.  In a great and ironic turn, the more highly educated are moving into more conservative patterns, even as the great middle is turning more permissive.

“Second, this new permissiveness means that these Americans are now more likely to be involved in behaviors “that endanger their prospects for marital success.” These behaviors include multiple sexual partners and marital infidelity.

“Third, moderately educated Americans are now significantly less likely to embrace the ‘values and virtues’ that are required for marital success.  The researchers point to temperance, delayed gratification, and educational aspiration as examples of these disappearing virtues.  Marriage rests upon a moral foundation, and without these virtues (and others), marriage is exceedingly difficult to sustain.

“Christians know that the marginalization of marriage can only lead to unhappiness, unhealthiness, and the unraveling of human relationships.  We have no choice but to look this documentation squarely in the face.  Are we not watching marriage disappear for many before our eyes?”

The love that keeps a couple together is the strength of a family.  May God have mercy upon us if we ever forget this truth.