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Defending Israel and the Defenseless

By August 11, 2014Legislately
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The Senate passed an emergency measure to provide 225 million dollars in funding for Israel’s Iron Dome Defense System.  However, the Senate was unable to move through the Israel Strategic Partnership Act (S.462), an act that would have strengthened America’s relationship with Israel.

Please urge your senator to support the Israel Strategic Partnership Act.

Additionally, please ask your senator to support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S.1670). This piece of legislation would protect women’s rights and regulate abortion during a time when babies can feel excruciating pain.

Listen as Alexandria Paolozzi, Senate Legislative Director for Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, gives an update on the Israel Strategic Partnership Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

And remember to e-mail or call your senators and urge them to support these pieces of legislation.