We are all created in the image of God at the moment of conception. With the use of science and technology in modern obstetrics, we can now SHOW the life and personhood of pre-born children in the womb. This is a wonderful time to be alive and pro-life!
Sadly, with all of the information available on LIFE, many now believe that “reproductive freedom” for women of any child-bearing age trumps the right to life of the living being, the living human baby in the womb. Here in Virginia, we are facing a critical time in our Commonwealth. Through votes taken in the House of Delegates and the Senate during our 2025 Virginia State Legislature, we are moving toward enshrining abortion in our State Constitution.
We must remember that the very words of Scripture tell of the value of every human life, that every child is fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together in their mother’s womb (Psalm 139). We must not overlook that God hates the hands that shed innocent blood. It is an abomination to Him (Proverbs 6:16-17). It is also important to remember that we are responsible for opening our mouth for the speechless (Proverbs 31:8).
It is our duty as American citizens, and our responsibility as Christ’s followers, to EDUCATE our church on this crucial issue of life in the womb and those who are coordinating to snuff it out. We must PRAY with wisdom that God would reveal the truth to those in the public square interceding on behalf of our elected officials and those in authority over us. And finally, we must take ACTION putting feet to our prayers.
The battle for life is looming large here in our beloved state. We need your help!
Can we count on you?
Contact me to find out how you can play a significant role in our efforts to stop the Virginia Constitutional Amendment for Abortion.
Looking Unto Jesus,
Teresa Pregnall
State Director
CWA of Virginia
Instagram – @cwfavirginia
Facebook – Concerned Women for America of Virginia