December Action Alert – In God We Trust

By December 18, 2014Washington

IN God We Trust GraphicDecember 18, 2014

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

In God We Trust—what a wonderful national motto! Here we are in the most beautiful time of year—CHRISTMAS—with all its religious and secular symbols, so let us rejoice that this nation still has that motto along with religious liberty and freedom of speech to say “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” to every one we meet. It’s okay to say it, so be sure you spread your joy and peace and the hope we celebrate because of the birth of God’s Son and our personal Savior. Pray that Christians will be bold and remember to occupy until our Lord and Savior returns (Luke 19:13).


We have a team of CWA leaders around the state: Steering Committee, Prayer/Action Leaders and Home Team Captains. We have dozens of volunteers praying for state legislators. Together, we can restore our Biblical foundation! Please pray about joining our leadership team and the Encourage-A-Legislator campaign. Fill out an application for leadership, sign up for our Encourage-A-Legislator campaign and/or renew your membership with the membership form. Also, consider giving a year-end gift online to support our efforts in Washington State during 2015 as we promote prayer, education and meaningful action amongst concerned citizens. Any amount is appreciated.


When the Washington State Legislature starts up on January 12, 2015, CWA will start monitoring the direction of public policy, alerting you to bills that will affect your life as a believer, whether it’s about your family or religious liberty, sanctity of life, the education of our children and grandchildren, sexual exploitation, national sovereignty, or support of Israel, our closest ally and only democracy in the Middle East. Normally, the last two issues are not addressed through the state legislature, and we focus on the first five issues listed. Our goal is to protect our families through prayer and action, and we need you to be informed and actively contact your own legislators when they are dealing with our family issues. Please share our action alerts with other concerned citizens!

Our Encourage-A-Legislator campaign is so important, and we need you to participate, so please fill in the attached form and mail or e-mail it to the state office. We will supply Scripture or historic quotes for you to write on a postcard to mail weekly to one or more legislators.

Finally, will you please join CWA of Washington leaders in Olympia on Tuesday, January 20, 2015, at noon for the March for Life? We’ll bring CWA signs so that you can find us as we gather with hundreds of other pro-life citizens on the sidewalk before the noon march and rally at our state capitol. Click here for more details.

CHRISTMAS!! Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! May God bless us each and every one as we trust Him!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072