CWA to Host Prayer Vigil at Proposed El Centro Planned Parenthood Facility

By October 29, 2014California

Do you or someone you know live in the Imperial Valley area? Your attendance and prayers are greatly needed as Planned Parenthood is currently making plans to open an abortion facility in El Centro. The CWA Prayer/Action Chapters in the area have pulled together and have made plans to be on that very location to pray and ask the Lord to intervene.

Please join us!

November 1, 2014
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

1461 S. 4th St.
El Centro, CA 92243

There will be no preaching or public speaking. We will simply gather around the property and pray that God will stop the clinic from opening so that no abortions will be performed at that site.

Make plans now to attend.
Pass this information on to friends, family and your church and ask them to attend with you.

Pray and ask the Lord to intervene on behalf of women and children by thwarting the plans of Planned Parenthood in the El Centro area.

For Life!

Kori Peterson
Area Director
CWA of Southern California