CWA Statement on Catholic Institutions’ Lawsuit vs. Obama Administration on Contraception Mandate

Nance: “President Obama claims this is a women’s health issue, when in fact, it’s a religious freedom issue”

Washington D.C. – Concerned Women for America (CWA) President Penny Nance issued the following statement in response to the lawsuit filed by Catholic institutions against the Obama administration over the contraception mandate:

“I applaud the various Catholic leaders for standing up for our religious freedoms and taking legal action against the Obama administration for attempting to violate our religious freedoms. President Obama claims this is a women’s health issue, when in fact, it’s a religious freedom issue. I have said ‘We are all Catholic Now,’ and this is why – the religious community stands together in the belief that this contraception, chemical abortion, and sterilization mandate would force us to pay for something many of us believe is morally repugnant. The concept of ‘choice’ for this administration means only making the choices that liberals support. The first amendment grants us the right to practice our religion without government interference; any infringement on that right is nothing short of tyranny.”