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CWA Prayer/Action Chapters

By November 1, 2016Georgia

National restoration of Biblical principles begins at the grassroots level, and we invite you to be a part of that process.

If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14

Prayer/Action Chapters

What is a Prayer/Action Chapter?
Prayer/Action Chapters meet monthly to review current issues on the local, state and national level. Meetings include time to educate the group on an issue, pray about the issue and for our state and nation, and then take action such as writing a letter or committing to make phone calls. Meetings typically run from one to one and one-half hours.

How would I find people to come to the meetings?
We will put a notice on our web site that a new Prayer/Action Chapter has formed in your area. We can assist you in putting together a bulletin insert for local churches, a flyer to distribute and even verbiage to place in your hometown newspaper. Experience tells  us  though that word of mouth is typically the best way to build a Chapter. CWA will provide a list of members in your area for the purpose of inviting them to join your team. A Chapter can start with as few as three faithful people.

I’m willing to be a Chapter Leader; how do I get started?
Contact us today for a leadership application form. We will assist you with your first three meetings, providing outlines and, if necessary, attendance by a current CWA leader. Once approved you will receive monthly communications, updates on the current issues, and legislation information from the national office of CWA and from CWA of Georgia. In addition, you will be eligible to attend CWA’s Leadership Conference to enhance your effectiveness.

Can I incorporate a Prayer/Action Chapter in my existing Bible study group?
An organized weekly or monthly Bible study group or other Christian group is an excellent way to present CWA information. With permission from your leader, you could devote a portion of your meeting to share legislative information, educate, and commit our nation’s needs to prayer.

If you are interested in starting a Prayer/Action Chapter, please contact CWA of Georgia by phone at 770-617-1987 or by e-mail.

Home Teams

What is a Home Team?
Under the leadership of a Home Team Captain (HTC), members of the team are committed in their efforts to:

* Pray about the issues
* Be alert and informed
* Act on those issues

What does the Home Team Captain do?
The HTC shares information with her team on federal and state legislation that requires prayer and action, specific issues to pray about, and other important news.

How do I know what information to share with my Home Team?
The HTC will receive the monthly Prayer/Action Newsletter from CWA’s National Office. In addition, the State Director will forward prayer and action information on current national and state legislation to the HTC. The HTC then, in turn, can pass this information on to her team via e-mail or phone so team members can phone their elected officials regarding his/her vote. Contact information and the message to be communicated to the elected official will be provided.

How would I find people to be on my team?
The HTC builds her team by inviting as many interested Christian women and men as possible from her church, circle of friends and relatives or other organizations to join the team. CWA will provide a list of members in her area for the purpose of inviting them to join her team.

Am I required to hold regular meetings?
No, communication is simply through email, telephone, etc. However, as with any leader, it is important to build and maintain relationships to keep your members encouraged and focused on their vision to promote Godly principles in public policy through prayer and action. To achieve those relationships, HTCs are asked to have bi-annual or annual meeting with their team.

I am willing to be a Home Team Captain; how do I get started?
Contact us today for a leadership application form. Once approved you will receive the monthly Prayer/Action Newsletter. We will assist you in getting started. CWA conducts a yearly National Leadership Training Conference to which all Home Team Captains are invited and updated on the current issues facing the nation.

If you are interested in starting a Prayer/Action Chapter, please contact CWA of Georgia by phone at 770-617-1987 or by e-mail.

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men (or women) to do nothing. — Edmund Burke