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CWA: Pledge Has to Be Followed By Concrete Actions

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WASHINGTON, DC – Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America, said the following in response to the release of the Pledge to America from the Republican Leadership today:

“CWA is hopeful that the Pledge to America will be a positive step towards getting the nation back on the right track through tax cuts and spending reduction.

“The Pledge rightfully addresses the spending abuses which go against American values, including tax dollars spent on abortion, which Obamacare subsidizes. Pledging to end taxpayer-funded abortion, honor traditional marriage and ban any marriage penalty taxes are all key components of the Republican platform.

“It is imperative that the Republicans follow through on addressing the many challenges facing the country. Their actions will ultimately be the pledge to America. If these words aren’t followed by concrete actions, any majority they win this year will likely be short-lived.”