CWA of Washington September 20 Action Alert – Carefully Choose

By September 21, 2016Washington

“When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people mourn” (Prov.29:2)

Dear CWA of Washington Members,

I just returned from a speaking engagement in eastern Washington.  It is always a delight to meet and speak with CWA members and other like-minded citizens, and this event was another good opportunity to do just that!  I would be happy to come speak to your Prayer/Action Chapter or church women’s group or any other group where concerned citizens meet to pray, share and learn.

Since we are commanded to pray for the governing authorities (1 Timothy 2:1-3), it’s obvious that we need to carefully choose those people who represent us, seeking out those who share our values and concerns and are willing to align their priorities according to God’s Word and principles.  President Reagan was one of those authorities who believed that God had a plan for our nation, as revealed in this quote:  “I have always believed that this anointed land was set apart in an uncommon way, that a divine plan placed this great continent here between the oceans to be found by people from every corner of the earth who had a special love of faith and freedom.”  In 1798, John Adams stated to the military that our Constitution was written only for a moral and religious people and that without those two elements, our Constitution would be destroyed just as a whale destroys a net.  Our Constitution reminds us that our rights-among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness-come from God and that government exists to protect those rights, not give or take them away from us.

We have a long, verifiable history of Judeo-Christian principles influencing our culture, a history that God’s opposition has been working overtime to berate and hide.  We must stand for our historic, documented Biblical faith tradition and work hard to rebuild the Body of Christ if our nation is to survive.  Will you pray for a spiritual awakening for this nation?  The beginning of the 19th and 20th centuries both saw a huge awakening and revival, so let’s pray for God’s grace and mercy for another such event in the 21st century!  Will you consider gathering friends and family to pray for that?  How about hosting a Prayer/Action Chapter that will gather concerned citizens to pray, educate and activate themselves and other concerned citizens?  Or perhaps your style leads you to a Home Team which you contact via e-mail to ask for prayer and to inform about current cultural issues?  Please prayerfully consider what YOU CAN DO!  If interested, send an e-mail to me at for more information or fill out the attached “Application for Leadership”.

Do we deserve the governing authorities we have?  Do we educate ourselves and then vote?   Our sovereign God rules over all, and we have the responsibility, privilege and duty to elect righteous leaders in our democratic system. “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people mourn” (Prov.29:2).   You may register here or request registration forms for your church and register others:


 Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign:  Thank you for supporting this program!  We always need more prayer warriors, so please consider how you can participate.  You might pray for the EAL program’s success, i.e. 147 volunteers to pray for each and every one of our state legislators or become a more active prayer warrior and adopt one or more legislators for whom you will pray on a daily basis and mail a postcard with encouraging Bible verses or historic quotes weekly.  Click here for the EAL application form.


 CWA’s first core issue is the sanctity of human life.  With that in mind, we encourage you to put into action your pro-life values.  There are many locations for organized, peaceful prayerful vigils and likely one near you!  The next campaign runs from September 28-November 6.  You may access the official “40 Days for Life” events at this website:

Bellevue Prayer Vigil for Life

On the east side of Seattle, “Bellevue Prayer Vigil for Life” is similar to but independent of 40 Days for Life simply because they do not operate 24/7.   For information on that vigil, visit:

“But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.” (Hebrews 10:39)


Pray.  Educate yourselves on issues (  Then take some action:  How about a voter registration table at your church?  Do you know that only 50% of Christians are registered voters and of those only 50% vote?  We can only change the culture if we are involved as responsible citizens!  You’ll find useful information on helping others to register at this website:

Again, remember to pray for our nation, our state, the election and our families, according to God’s will and those principles that guided our nation’s founding.  Let’s cry out to God together as His followers.  Educate yourselves and others on the current issues, then consider taking one or more of the above mentioned actions.


Thank you for standing with Concerned Women for America of Washington as we engage the culture through public policy in order to protect the family through prayer and action!


Renew your membership today and sign up to host a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072