CWA of Washington June 3 Action Alert – Male and Female He Created Them

By June 3, 2016Washington

“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

Dear CWA of Washington Member and Friend,

Why does that Genesis statement so anger those He has created?  It’s perfectly clear, isn’t it?  Not only is the God of the Holy Bible the Creator God, but He also created male and female humans in His image!  Mankind is meant to worship Him as our Heavenly Father, yet so many of His creation rebel against that very Truth!  As the cultural debate rages on about “gender identity” (aka how you feel and define yourself) versus biological/chromosomal fact, more and more stories are emerging for us to consider.

Our main concern about the “bathroom mandate” is described well by CWA President and CEO Penny Nance’s May 20 alert:  “Gov. Pat McCrory and North Carolina leaders are at ground zero of the fight to protect women and children. They passed a simple, commonsense law to prevent transgender men – or, more importantly, a sexual predator posing as a transgender individual – from sharing a public restroom with our daughters, mothers … and any women.”  For more articles on this issue and CWA’s response, please visit our national website.

With all the news swirling around “the bathroom law”, I thought you might appreciate reading just one of the stories about individuals taking advantage of that law in Washington state, individuals who do not identify as transgendered, but use the law to enter opposite-sex facilities for their own reasons:  Seattle Man Undresses in Women’s Locker Room at Local Pool to Test New Transgender Bathroom Rule

In addition, professionals such as Dr. John Hugh are speaking out about this issue:  Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’.

Have you ever heard the saying “Nothing like getting your own ox gored to get your attention!”?  I’ve been waiting for some liberal women to get their oxen gored, and it happened this week!  Visit this website to read about it:  ACLU Leader Resigns in Protest After Transwomen Scare Her Daughters in Restroom

Finally, here is a question posted to Facebook from Tamara Scott, CWA of Iowa State Director:   “If a man assaults a woman in the restroom and she fights back – could she then get charged for a hate crime since she ‘hit’ someone identifying themselves as a transgender – at least for that moment?”


“Repeal the Bathroom Rule”, Initiative 1515, 1) repeals the “open bathroom rule” mandated by Washington’s unelected Human Rights Commission (HRC), 2) restores the rights of business owners to maintain gender specific facilities, and 3) requires public schools to maintain gender specific facilities.

As stated above, the issue is not about transgender rights, but about the rights of the majority of the population to the expectation of privacy and safety in our bathrooms and locker rooms.  Reasonable accommodations can be made to allow everyone’s privacy and safety, but the HRC ruling must first be repealed.  Please visit CWA’s website to download their brochure  Since When are Feelings > Fact?

The time is short to collect enough valid signatures, and we need the help of every one of you!  Go to to request a petition be mailed to you or to find a distribution site near you.

Be sure to mail in your initiative (even with just your signature) to Just Want Privacy’s address on the back of the petition no later than July 1.  The initiative must be filed in Olympia by July 8, and we need time to count and organize them for delivery.


PRAY for enough valid signatures to be collected in order for Initiative 1515 to be on the November ballot.

PRAY for First Amendment rights to religious liberty and the free exercise thereof to be restored to the Stormans in Olympia, Barronelle Stutzman and Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, and the Kleins in Oregon.  See last month’s action alert for details:

PRAY for a spiritual awakening, followed by a spiritual revival of the Biblical foundations of this nation.

And “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”  (Ephesians 6:10-11)

Thank you for standing with Concerned Women for America of Washington as we engage the culture through public policy in order to protect the family through prayer and action!  Renew your membership today and sign up to host a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community!