CWA of Virginia Now Offering Church Voter Registration Drive Virtual Training

By July 12, 2012Virginia

CWA of Virginia will be conducting workshops via telephone conference calls for anyone who would like to promote voter registration drives in area churches or just your own church. The telephone workshops will run approximately 30 minutes.

Please contact Patricia Phillips at 703-450-2880 or to sign up for a workshop. We will in turn communicate to you the conference call number and code to access the workshop.

Dates and times for workshops:

Thursday, July 26, at 7:30 pm
Friday, July 27 at 10:00 am
Saturday July 28 at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, August 2 at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 11 at 10:00 a.m.

This is yet another part of our exciting project She Votes 2012. Please go to for more information on She Votes 2012 and how you can get involved. And/or contact your She Votes 2012 Field Director to find out what specifically is going on in your area.

Northern Virginia: Patricia Phillips at .

Southern Virginia: Andrea Lindsey at


Janet Robey
State Director
CWA of Virginia>