CWA of Virginia Makes a Positive Difference

By November 10, 2010Virginia

“As long as this nation trusts in God, it will prevail,” said CWA Executive Director George Tryfiates at Brookhill Wesleyan Church, 1043 Cifax Road in Forest. Thursday, October 28, 2010 was an evening of exciting speakers as people of like faith joined together to pray for the United States of America.

Rodney Jackson, Discipleship Ministry, community based, “Give All Ministries,” Travis Witt, pastor, teacher, prison ministry, “I Didn’t Know That,” Seminar Presenter, Steve Arrington, Board of Supervisors, Bedford County, Joe Horrell, lead pastor, Brookhill Wesleyan Church, and Mike Newman, Associate Pastor, Brookhill Wesleyan Church were the mighty warriors who led in prayer.

This was the best part of the entire evening. God’s Spirit uplifting believers.

Did you know that President John Adams believed that our constitution was made for a moral and God-fearing people? Without that moral foundation our constitution will not work. George Tryfiates explained how God miraculously preserved the life of George Washington as he crossed the Delaware River in the dead of winter. God is the God of impossibilities! Did

you know that in 1956 “IN GOD WE TRUST” became our national motto?

“Faith in God is a feature that has distinguished us from our cold war enemies. Without faith in God, our families and businesses are weakened. Today we recognize that there are problems in Obamacare. These problems are tearing at the very fabric of our society,” said the dynamic President of Concerned Women of America, Wendy Wright. She has been active in the pro-life and pro-family movement for 20 years. She frequently appears on national and international media.

Special thanks to Mark Laperle for providing the music.