CWA of Virginia Calls on Members to Attend Abortion Clinic Regulations Meeting in Richmond

By April 2, 2013Virginia

Next Friday, April 12, is another meeting of the Board of Health regarding Abortion Clinic Regulations. The meeting will be held at 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. In order to prevent the opposition from packing the room and silencing the pro-lifers, you will need to arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. The opposition is motivated, we need to be more motivated.

Handmade signs are encouraged, and a public comment period is likely, so come prepared to speak on behalf of the regulations (two minutes) if you want to voice your opinion. Seating is limited, but we need a good showing of pro-lifers.

We have had some victories, but now is not the time to rest. Voicing your support just by your presence is crucial. The board members need to see and hear us.

We hope we can count on you to be in Richmond on April 12.

Please forward this to all your pro-life friends.

For life!

Janet Robey
State Director
CWA of Virginia