CWA of South Dakota Reports – Victory in the Senate!

By February 17, 2016South Dakota

“The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws.” – Noah Webster

We are pleased to report that HB1008, the student privacy bill, passed in the Senate yesterday afternoon with a vote of 20-15.  Click here to see how your senator voted.  If your senator voted Yes, please thank him.  If he voted No, respectfully express your disappointment.

HB1008 now heads to the Governor.  Urge him to sign HB1008, the student privacy bill.

You may e-mail the Governor here.
You may leave a message for him at (605) 773-3212.
You may write a letter to him at:
Office of the Governor
500 E Capitol Ave
Pierre, SD 57501

We praise God for this victory!

God bless you for your faithfulness in prayer and action.