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CWA of South Dakota Legislative Update

By February 18, 2021South Dakota
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“Let us not become weary in doing good, for
at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” —Galatians 6:9

Dear Friends,

Below is a legislative update on bills Concerned Women for America of South Dakota is actively working on at the state legislature. Your prayer and action are making a difference! Thank you.

Victory – Born Alive Bill Passes
HB1051 is the born alive survivors bill that would require that a baby born alive be given medical care.  At the time a child is born alive, he or she is a patient and deserving of medical care and legal protections. A McLaughlin poll showed that nearly 80% of Americans agree that infants born alive due to a botched abortion need protection and care. You may read and follow the action and votes on the bill here.

HB1051 passed out of the full House with a vote of 59-8 on January 28.  We are pleased to report that it passed the full Senate on February 16 with a vote of 3-32. Check the votes here.
HB1051 now goes to Gov. Noem for her signature.

ACTION: Thank your senator and representatives if they voted Yes on HB1051. See contact information below.

Homeschool Freedom Bill – SB177
A good and freedom-loving homeschool bill, SB177, passed in the Senate Education Committee Thursday, February 11. You may read the bill, follow and check the votes here.
We are pleased to report that SB177 passed in the full Senate Wednesday with a vote of  21-14. Check the votes here. Now SB177 will go to the House.
About SB 177:

  • SB177 will update antiquated language in our state code. It will simplify and eliminate the annualnotification that parents must submit to their local school district that indicates their intention to homeschool. Instead, it will require a one-time notification unless the student enrolls in a public or nonpublic school or moves to a different district.
  • SB177 eliminates the mandatory testing, making South Dakota the 40th state to strike this requirement.
  • SB177 will allow any homeschool student to participate in local school sports or other school activities.

ACTION: Contact your two state representatives and ask them to “Vote Yes on SB177.” Put “Vote Yes on SB177” in the subject line.  If your senator voted Yes, please thank him or her. See contact information below.

Religious Freedom
SB124 will provide protections for the exercise of religious freedom. This bill was inspired by the actions in some states during the pandemic. Indoor worship was prohibited or restricted while shopping malls, casinos, tattoo parlors, etc., were open for business. SB124 ensures in state policy that our First Amendment right to freedom of religion will not be restricted.
We are pleased to report that SB124 passed unanimously in the Senate on February 16.  SB124 will now be considered in the House.

ACTION: Contact your two representatives and urge them to support SB124. See contact information below.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Email your senator or representatives by clicking on his or her name here.  If you do not know who they are, click here. Be sure to include your name and address so your legislators know you are a constituent. Also, if you are a member of CWA of South Dakota, be sure to let them know.

God bless you for your prayers and action,
Linda Schauer
State Director