CWA of South Dakota Legislative Update

By January 27, 2016South Dakota

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:13)

Privacy Bill Approved

girl boyWe praise God for victory in passing HB1008, An Act to restrict access to certain restrooms and locker rooms in public schools. The student privacy bill.  HB1008 would protect students in the private areas in school settings.  Under HB1008, if a student is confused about his sex and identifies as the opposite of his biological sex (transgender), he may not use the same restrooms, locker rooms, etc. as his identified sex.  He must be provided private areas other than the opposite sex.

Cindy Flakoll testified in support on behalf of CWA.

The vote was 10-3 in the House State Affairs Committee.  Check the votes here.

HB1008 will probably be debated and voted on in the full House on Wednesday, January 27.

ACTION:  Contact your two representatives and ask them to vote YES on HB1008E-mail them here using the drop down menu.  In addition, please phone the House lobby, (605) 773-3851, and leave a message for your two representatives.

Video Lottery Bill Defeated

gamblingWe are pleased to report that HB1048, the video lottery expansion bill, was defeated in the House Commerce and Energy Committee yesterday.

Our Legislative Liaison, Cindy Flakoll, was there to testify in opposition.

The bill was “sent to the 41st legislative day” which means that the bill is defeated.  (The legislative session is only 38 days, so the 41st day is non-existent.)

You may check the votes here.  We wanted a “yes” vote to send it to the 41st day.

March for Life in Washington, D.C.

ladies2I had the honor of attending the March for Life in Washington D.C.  Click on the CWA @ the March for Life banner at CWA’s home page to see a message from Penny Nance, CWA’s President and CEO and pictures of CWA at the March.  And, yes it snowed, and my return flight was delayed two and a half days.

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