CWA of North Dakota welcomes abortion suit settlement

By March 15, 2014North Dakota

North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem made the announced today that the Red River Women’s abortion facility has agreed to dismiss its lawsuit against the 2013 law requiring that abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital. The Center for Reproductive Rights based in New York had challenged the law on behalf of the Fargo abortion facility, exposing their disdain for women’s health care concerns. Their assessment was that they should not have to comply with this new safety standards law based on a judge’s opinion that there is an alleged “right to abortion” in the North Dakota Constitution. Of course, there is no such language in North Dakota constitution.

“We applaud this development,” says Janne Myrdal, State Director for CWA of North Dakota. “The intent and integrity of this pro women law is intact, providing health care and continues medical services, if needed, for women who have undergone an invasive surgical procedure. Of course we are saddened by the fact that abortion still devastates women and unborn children, but while abortion is sadly still legal, the least we can do is make sure we inform and protect women. The fact that the Fargo abortion facility engaged in this lawsuit truly exposes their true colors, – their bottom line is selling abortions, not protecting women.”

However, this whole process should be of great concern to North Dakotans as the out-of-state interest groups promoting the abortion industry attempt to nullify the will of the people in our great state will surely continue unless we pass the Human Life Amendment, known as Measure #1, on the ballot in November. Passing this amendment is the only way to protect our common sense safety and protection laws passed with bipartisan support by our legislators. This amendment will protect against frivolous lawsuits by the abortion industry, thereby protecting women, children and parental rights in North Dakota.