CWA of North Dakota Responds to SCOTUS’ Refusal to Hear The North Dakota’s Heartbeat Law

By January 25, 2016North Dakota

Concerned Women for America of North Dakota (CWA) is saddened  by the refusal of the Supreme Court of the United States ( SCOTUS ) to hear North Dakota’s Heartbeat law, a law that would ban abortion in our state after a detectable fetal heartbeat.

The U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeal in its opinion encouraged SCOTUS to revisit this issue by stating;  “Good reasons exist for the (Supreme Court) to reevaluate its jurisprudence,” and argued that both medical and scientific advances show the concept of viability is subject to change.  The fact that the higher court denied hearing the case should concern the people of North Dakota and the nation.  Are we going to continue to be science-deniers and refuse to advance public policy scientifically supported by enormous advances in technology – technology that now allows us to view the miracle of the unborn child in the womb from conception – in order to worship at the altar of convenience?  Apparently so.

CWA of North Dakota will remain strong and vocal in its fight for life at all stages of development, and we will not be silenced.  The Heartbeat law has stirred a renewed awareness of truth in the public square and been part of giving life to many children as well as healing to women.  We must strive to continue our fight for life until abortion becomes unthinkable in our state and beyond.

Last week we joyfully participated in the March for Life in Washington, D.C., where over one hundred thousand people braved blizzard conditions to once again show the nation that we will not be silent in this battle for life.  It gave us great hope to see the coming generation of pro-life people out in mass – hope that we will indeed reach the halls of Congress, the chambers of SCOTUS and ultimately the heart and soul of America with the message of life.   CWA will continue to work to end abortion on demand, a fight that has become the greatest civil rights battle of our generation.