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CWA of North Dakota Co-Sponsors – Take Back Washington – Event with Representative Michele Bachmann (R- Minnesota)

By February 1, 2010North Dakota
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Dear friends,

We are in a period of history in this great nation when, sadly, the words of Thomas Jefferson, “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.” have become true. It is up to us to make sure government gets out of the way of freedom and back into the service of the people! The very core principles of the Constitution are at risk in the public square today.

We are overspending, creating more poverty through government hand-outs, disregarding national sovereignty, undermining the family and throwing away the greatest stimulus package of all, our children. After a long slide towards socialism that permeates our entire society, we must stand up and turn back to what the founding fathers gave us, a limited government of the people, by the people and for the people! Let us join together in common sense conservative North Dakota, be an example of servant leadership, and get the government back on track for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Click here for information on this event including hotel and conference registrations.

Click here for information on Representative Bachmann.

Watch for more information to come.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Janne Myrdal
State Director