CWA of North Carolina’s 18th Annual Day at The Capital Review

By July 18, 2018North Carolina

Dear Friend,

In early June, CWA of North Carolina enjoyed our 18th Annual Day at The Capital as we made our voices heard.  We were once again joined by North Carolina Values Coalition.  Approximately 25 were in attendance.  We had a legislative briefing, lobbied our legislators and held a chapel service with our legislators. Our beloved Associate Director, Mary Frances Forrester, presented a stirring and inspiring devotion on the history and importance of our cherished American flag.

We lobbied our legislators on the following concerns:

  1. Pass HB575, Require Info About Abortion Pill Reversal – Require Info About Abortion Pill Reversal so that women seeking a chemical abortion will be told that there is a process to reverse the abortion if they change their minds.
  2. Parents Right To KnowRemind our legislators to allow parents to know and have more access to school lesson plans and curriculum involving human sexuality and bullying prevention. Sex Ed programs were being carried out in Cumberland, Onslow, Carteret, and Wayne Counties; but parents were not notified nor invited to review and discuss these new sex materials being adopted. Unfortunately, in this culture today, it is imperative that our state adopts commonsense educational transparencies to protect our children. Parents have the right to know!

Regrettably, we will need to revisit our legislators regarding these issues as neither concern was addressed during this legislative session. Although there had been good support for commonsense pro-transparency legislation protecting a parent’s right to know what their kids are taught in schools about sex, unfortunately no legislative solution was presented.

We are in agreement with Executive Director of NC Values Coalition Tami Fitzgerald’s assessment that “We cannot back down. We need to send a clear message to our legislators that they need to listen to parents across our state who demand these kind of protections … This is an issue we won’t be backing down from! We’re committed to keeping this issue before legislators however long it takes for them to take action to protect parental rights and childhood innocence. We need them to know we WILL hold them accountable.”

These two issues will be a high priority for CWA of North Carolina in 2019.

“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2)

We always appreciate your prayers. Prayer is the bedrock for all that we do. Stay tuned for additional pressing concerns.

For Truth and Righteousness,

Jill Coward
State Director
CWA of North Carolina

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