CWA of Maine’s Year in Review and Christmas Wishes

By November 30, 2016Maine

2016-christmas“So wrap our injured flesh around You. Breathe our air and walk our sod. Rob our sin and make us holy, Perfect Son of God. Welcome to our world.” ~Chris Rice

Dear faithful members and supporters,christmas-letter-pics-2016-b

As we come to the end of another busy year, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine thanks you for the many accomplishments and blessings of 2016.

Because of you, CWA of Maine was a voice for Biblical values throughout 2016. Via e-mail, we alerted members to state and national legislative concerns for you to pray and take action on; we covered all 185 state legislators in prayer with our Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign, started a new Prayer/Action Chapter in Levant and participated in the leadership conference in Washington, D.C.  I was honored to represent you in a variety of venues.  On your behalf, I lobbied our Maine Congressional delegation in Washington, D.C., concerning the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act; met with a staffer in U.S. Senator Susan Collins’ (R-Maine) office in Augusta regarding a provision that would force women to register for the Selective Service, and just got word that it has been shelved, praise the Lord; I represented you as a speaker at the 40 Days for Life Kick-off Event in Augusta while the national tour bus was here, and was a guest prayer at the National Day of Prayer event at the State Capitol.  I was part of the Stop Marijuana Expansion in Maine coalition this year, and I just joined the Maine Life coalition to stop assisted-suicide which is already gearing up for the 2017 legislative session. We exhibited CWA of Maine materials at various state events, and as the November 8 election drew near we held an informational meeting on five of the referendum issues on the Maine ballot; CWA of Maine printed and distributed informational materials on the five referendum issues as well as materials concerning the differences between the Republican and Democratic platforms and led a prayer meeting in Waterville the week before the election.

We have one more event this year that you don’t want to miss if you can make a trip to our state Capitol. We will be collaborating with the National Day of Prayer and a church in Windham for Christmas carol singing at the Capitol on December 8. Go to our webpage for more information.  I hope you can make it!  Be sure to invite friends and family.

As we go forth into 2017 together, we ask you to consider the several ways you can participate in the ministry of CWA of Maine. You are needed.

  • Please regularly pray with us for CWA’s role in Maine.
  • Consider starting a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community. We would like to develop chapters across the state to educate attendees about the issues so that they will pray and take action. “Prayer/Action Chapters are the backbone of Concerned Women for America.” – Beverly LaHaye
  • Join our E-Alert Response Team. Commit to faithfully pray and act on the e-alerts we send out and forward them on to friends and family. Encourage others to sign up by e-mailing me at
  • Regularly visit our state webpage to read about our activities, projects, programs, legislative updates, and more.
  • Be an Encourager. Sign up for the 2017 Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign and minister to our state legislators with both your prayers and encouragement.  Go to our state webpage to find out more.
  • Partner with CWA of Maine through your financial support. Because CWA of Maine is run by volunteers, all donations go straight into the work at hand. There are two ways to contribute your tax-deductible gift. Donate online or send a check written out to CWA of Maine to the address below. When you give to the state, all funds are used in the state.  When you give to CWA National, all funds are used on a national level.

Know that your involvement, financial gifts and prayers could not be more appreciated. It is a joy to serve with you. Together we can be that steady force of prayerful people who are unwavering in our assurance that God reigns and through Him all is achieved.

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Penny Morrell
State Director
864 Manchester Road
Belgrade, ME 04917