CWA of Maine State Director Penny Morrell Visits with United States Sen. Susan Collins in Washington

By July 5, 2016Maine

Collins 7-2-16 (3)I was blessed to share some time with Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) while in Washington, D.C., in June.  CWA joined with Ralph Reed and the Faith and Freedom Coalition to put on the Road to Majority conference.  I went in a day early to have time to speak with my Congressional delegation in the afternoon before the conference started that evening.

I had an appointment with Sen. Collins at 4:50 p.m.  However, after walking all over Capitol Hill that afternoon, my feet were tired and sore, and I had a bus to catch to get back to the hotel with other CWA directors from across the country.  So at 4:00 p.m., I stopped by the senator’s office with the idea that I would just leave with the receptionist the materials about which I wanted to talk to the senator.

The receptionist contacted the senator who requested I stay.  Sen. Collins changed her schedule and came to her office so that we could meet.  I honestly am amazed at how good she is with her constituents.  When the senator arrived, she walked me to a conference room with her assistant and graciously listened to everything on my mind.  I left a folder with helpful information on CWA’s stand and our concerns which she promised to read, and I knew she would.

CWA of Maine talked with the senator about the Supreme Court vacancy and the process in place to fill it and others in the future.  The other issue I shared with her was a request for her support of Sen. Ben Sasse’s (R-Nebraska) bill, S. 2066 the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

My prayer is that God will give her wisdom and insight on what’s right for all the people of Maine especially the unborn.