CWA of Maine Participates in “No to 1” Coalition Press Conference

By January 3, 2017Maine

After a hard-fought battle against legalizing marijuana in Maine, Concerned Women for America of Maine, along with the coalition partners in the fight, held a press conference in the Hall of Flags in the State House in Augusta.  We had just called off the remainder of the recount of ballots and wanted the people of Maine to know we would work with the Maine Legislature to make rules and implement the new law in a way that minimizes the damage in the most effective way possible.  Perhaps the only committee in the Legislature not affected by this law is the Marine Resources Committee.  Therefore, we are urging that a select committee of all affected branches of the Maine government be established to work together for the best outcomes in implementing the law.

Click here to view the comments made by the CWA of Maine State Director, Penny Morrell.