CWA of Louisiana To Participate in Alexandria-Pineville Louisiana Life March – Join Us!

By February 3, 2017Louisiana

CWA of Louisiana will be participating in Louisiana Right to Life Federation’s annual Louisiana Life March, which will take place tomorrow, Saturday, February 4, 2017.

The Louisiana Right to Life Federation sponsors several marches throughout the state and CWA of Louisiana is proud to partner with them for the success of these endeavors. Last year, we participated in this event in Baton Rouge which concluded on the steps of the Capitol.

This year, our focus is the center of our great state — Alexandria — where we hope to make new friends and develop new relationships.

The walk will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at noon.

It will commence on the grounds of Louisiana College in Pineville. The 1.6 mile March will go down Main Street toward the Jackson Street Bridge, cross the bridge and conclude at the Amphitheater on the Alexandria side of Red River after a rally consisting of a host of guest speakers.

I am excited to be one of the speakers.

Come join us at the March and stop by our CWA of Louisiana table after to find out more about this wonderful organization.  Hope to see you there!

For more information on the Pineville-Alexandria event, as well as the Baton Rouge and Shreveport-Bossier events, click here.

Blessing to you,

Sancha Smith
State Director
CWA of Louisiana