CWA of Kansas Sets the Groundwork for an Effective Legislative Session

By January 21, 2016Kansas

The 2016 Kansas legislative session has begun!  The CWA of Kansas steering committee met several times this fall to strategize.  We are expecting legislation to be proposed this session on a variety of issues such as sexual orientation, common core, and sanctity of life to name a few.  If we are to be effective in 2016 our state legislators need to hear from as many of us as possible.  YOUR efforts are needed to move good legislation forward and to stop bad legislation.  Legislators take note of how many people contact them concerning a specific issue on one side or the other, and it often determines how they vote.

We invite YOU to be a lobbyist this session.  What defines a lobbyist in our book?  One who is informed on the issues, commits their efforts to the Lord and then contacts their legislators regularly concerning these issues.  It’s easy!  We will show you how!

  1. Be informed and timely: Get the facts.  When you receive a CWA of Kansas e-alert, be sure to read it as soon as possible.  If your time allows, read the links to additional information often provided in the e-alert. The same, of course, applies to CWA national e-alerts.  If your schedule allows, go a step farther; stay informed by logging onto and regularly, read state newspapers and sign up for your legislator’s newsletters and e-alerts by going to their website or e-mailing them. Get to know where they stand on the issues.  For example, a person could contact Senator Mitch Holmes at and request a copy of his newsletter.
  2. Be prayerful: Commit your efforts to the Lord and pray for your legislators by name. Ask God to guide your legislator and give him/her wisdom.  “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (I Timothy 2:1-2)
  3. Contact your legislator and be specific: Contact your legislators via e-mail or phone and state the specific issue and include the bill number and/or the title.  Click here to find your state legislators names and contact information.  Click here to find your federal legislators names and contact information.
  4. Be polite: You should be firm but courteous.  Ask for a reply and thank the legislator. “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.  Let all that you do be done with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13,14

There are two ways to lobby, from your home and in person.  Though most of you will not be able to visit the state capital this year in Topeka, all of you can lobby from your home via e-mail, Facebook, phone, etc.  Commit now to being a 2016 Lobbyist!

Now if you would like to lobby in person, you follow the points above as you do when calling or e-mailing.  The only difference is making an appointment in advance.

Consider lobbying on the CWA of Kansas Lobbying team.  To start, simply come with us and observe and pray.  Contact me if you are at all interested.

Join us as together we accomplish great things with the help of our Lord and Savior.

Barbara Saldivar
State Director