CWA of Kansas Opposes HB 2323 on Sexual Orientation – Make Your Voice Heard!

By January 13, 2016Kansas

The House Judiciary Committee is expected to hear HB 2323 tomorrow, Thursday, January 14.  Rep. John Carmichael (D-District 92) is presenting this terrible bill that will amend the Kansas Act Against Discrimination by prohibiting discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. If HB 2323 passes, it will have far reaching consequences that will take away some of our freedoms.

Please pray that this ends up not being discussed or voted on in committee tomorrow.

Take action by contacting the committee members and let them know that you oppose HB 2323.  Click here to view names.  Click on each name to make contact.  In addition please pass this e-alert on to your friends, family and pastor.  Ask them to pray and take action.