CWA of Iowa Commends to You an Array of Outstanding Events

By April 12, 2013Iowa

Spring is here! If you are wondering what to do or for what to pray, we have listed the many things in which CWA of Iowa would like you to consider being involved. We encourage you to attend one or more of these great events. But more importantly, please pray for these events and the impact they can have in Iowa. Pray that God is glorified and lifted up.

April 13: Iowa Right to Life’s “Celebrate Life Banquet.”

April 14: Simpson Students for Life Spring Banquet. Look for our CWA of Iowa table.

April 15: John Paul II Stem Cell Research Lunch with special guest Rick Santorum

April 15: Iowa Faith and Freedom Spring Kickoff with Rick Santorum

April 16: Iowa Call to Prayer Day

April 16-20: Iowa Right to Life’s Book Sale

April 23: The Family Leader Marriage and Family Rally

April 25: Bradlee Dean with Sons of Liberty. CWA of Iowa is helping to promote this very important event for students to be held in Des Moines Area Community College. Please notify all the high school and college age young people in your life and strongly encourage them to attend this event. Their mission is to embolden the next generation with conservative Christian values that have made America great. Be sure to look for our CWA of Iowa table.

April 27: Students for Life Conference.

May 2: National Day of Prayer at the State Capitol Rotunda from 12 noon until 1:00 p.m. For more information contact:

May 26 – June 1, 2013: Week of Prayer and Fasting for Marriage and the Family. Please join CWA of Iowa as we seek God’s face, pray for His mercy and a great awakening in our land. The battle is on for the hearts, minds, and futures of our children and grandchildren. We desperately need God’s intervention. Please join CWA of Iowa as we stand in the gap for the families in our communities, state and nation. Consider taking one or more days within that week to pray and fast. Please spread the word. Let your church, Bible study and prayer group know about CWA of Iowa’s Week of Prayer and Fasting for Marriage and the Family and help us stand as one body, united in purpose.

This list is extensive yet I’m sure not all inclusive. We apologize if we have missed anything.

God is on the move and you have the opportunity to be a part of it. Please mark your calendar now for the events you hope to attend.

For Him!

Tamara Scott
State Director
CWA of Iowa