CWA of Illinois Asks You to Take a Stand against Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

By March 11, 2013Illinois

With silent ascent from many Illinois Christians, civil unions passed in Illinois about a year ago. The homosexual coalition said at that time that they were satisfied with civil unions. They quickly became dissatisfied and wanted homosexual “marriage”. The homosexual coalition has been pushing for a “same-sex marriage” bill, and now they have one, Senate Bill 10 (SB10). “The Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act” has passed the Senate and is in the House awaiting the final vote.

Some Christians who believe in marriage between a man and a woman were deceived by the homosexual coalition into thinking they would be happy with civil unions. Now the homosexual coalition said they won’t bother the churches to insist they marry them. This bill purports to protect churches and other religious institutions. But the wording in the bill specifically states, “‘Religious facilities’ does not include facilities such as businesses, health care facilities, education facilities or social service agencies.” That means that if you own a bakery, for example, you cannot refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding. While this legislation may try to protect religious organizations, it certainly does nothing to protect your individual freedom to exercise your sincerely held religious beliefs. Read the text of SB10.

Really? Wake up, Illinois Christians! The encroachment will continue until church liberties are eradicated, and next it will be your personal liberties.

Take Action:

  • Call or write your Illinois representative to oppose homosexual marriage in Illinois. Always be kind and courteous. A vote is expected any time within the next two three weeks so please take action now. Click here to find out who your representative is. Simply put in your address or county and then click on “More Details” under “State Representative.”
  • Write letters to the editors. Click here for pointers on how to write a letter to the editor.


Do your part and pray, pray, pray. Pray that legislators will see their error and support the foundational definition of marriage that blessed our nation: marriage between one man and one woman. II Chronicles 7:14 proclaims, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

In Him,

Colleen Nolan
State Director
CWA of Illinois