CWA of Georgia Holds Press Conference Opposing Bill Decriminalizing Prostitution

On February 1, 2010, approximately sixty people attended a press conference on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol, led by Concerned Women for America (CWA) Georgia State Director Tanya Ditty, opposing Georgia Senate Bill 304 and House Bill 582’s legislation that seeks to decriminalize prostitution. Additional speakers included Pat Tippett from Calling All Moms, Nancy Schaefer from the Eagle Forum of Georgia, Sue Ella Deadwyler, Capitol Correspondent of Eagle Forum of Georgia, Judy Craft of the Georgia Christian Alliance, Jerry Luquire of the Georgia Christian Coalition, Kay Godwin of the Georgia Conservatives in Action and Kay Godwin on behalf of Ralph Reed and Faith in Action.

“Decriminalization would not serve to help these victims; it would increase their exploitation. Decriminalizing prostitution creates a wonderful situation for pimps and traffickers, ties the hands of the police to arrest them and keeps women and children enslaved,” stated Tanya Ditty. CWA of Georgia is requesting that Georgia’s lawmakers vote in opposition to any bill that supports decriminalizing prostitution.

Read Tanya Ditty’s press conference statement.

Hear Tanya Ditty’s interview with WABE 90.1

Tanya Ditty quoted concerning S.B. 304.

State Director Tanya Ditty speaks at press conference in opposition to S.B. 304