CWA of California: Quarterly Conference Call – This Thursday, July 26 @ 11:00 a.m.

By July 24, 2018California

Dearest Concerned Women:

Come join with Concerned Women for America (CWA) of California leaders on our quarterly conference call to get updated on the issues, hear praise reports on the national and state level, and to be refreshed with a special time of prayer.   SCOTUS nomination, Title X, AB 2943, SB 320, exciting media opportunities are just a few topics we will cover!  Join us for a special time of sharing.  Concerned Women for America leaders want to hear from you!

Schedule this call on your calendar, Thursday, July 26, at 11:00 a.m.  I encourage you to jot down your praise reports, your concerns and your questions for discussions on our conference call.  As conservative believers, we feel the opposition out there, but be encouraged, it only takes a few willing hearts, unified in prayer, action, and votes to transform our humanistic laws with Biblical truth. Judges 6:12 says: “When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, ‘The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.’”

Mighty prayer and action warriors, won’t you join with CWA of California to take back the Golden State for God’s glory?! CWA of California supporters, we are gaining more members and more momentum! May we praise the Lord together as we bring it all to God in prayer.

We invite you to join us for a quarterly conference call to hear from CWA of California state leaders to unify through prayer, shared ideas and encouragement.  Do you want to know which state legislation to support or oppose? Do you feel frustrated with the political direction of our state?

Be encouraged, join with us in unified prayer and action; make plans now to be part of our quarterly conference call.

Thursday, July 26
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
(712) 770-5253
Access code: 680147

In addition, consider these opportunities for involvement:

  1. Visit our state website regularly at
  2. Like for us Facebook at Concerned Women for America of California.
  3. Tweet @CWAofCA.
  4. Interested in putting boots on the ground? If you are called to pray and act for your country, state and community, there is a place for you to serve in leadership. The State Steering Committee positions currently open are Communications Coordinator, Prayer/Action Chapter Coordinator, Area Director, and Development Coordinator. Or, join our 60-member team of Prayer/Action Leaders who meet once a month across California to pray and act on issues impacting our nation. Contact one of us today to find out more!
  5. We are a non-profit volunteer run organization, dependent on the donations of our supporters. Please consider joining or renewing your annual membership of $25 to CWA of California by donating online. Or, send a check to the address below. (Checks are made payable to “CWA” and on the memo line note “California”.)

Friends, we are mighty warriors, and together we are a mighty army!


Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California
P.O. Box 1323
Borrego Springs, CA 92004
(760) 207- 8518

Carissa Campbell
CWA of Northern California
Area Director

Ruth Smith
CWA of Southern California
Area Director