CWA of Alabama Needs You To Take Action On Behalf of Alabama Children – Before Thursday, November 10 !

By November 5, 2011Alabama

Please ask the Alabama State Board of Education to reverse their decision to adopt the Common Core Standards!

What are Common Core Standards and why should you be concerned?

The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) establishes national minimum educational standards for students in our schools. The State Board of Education adopted the CCSSI in November, 2010.

Education has historically been the function of the local school district with some governance from the State Board of Education. Setting academic standards, writing curriculum and developing methods of instruction have always been handled within the state.

The move to national standards is the latest move to nationalize education and take the authority and oversight of local education away from parents and local school boards. The role of the federal government in our local schools should be limited; parents, teachers and schools boards should be in control.

“These initiatives transfer authority away from local school officials, increase federal power, and place even more strings on federal funding.” Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL)

Your calls are needed to the following members of the Alabama State Board of Education before Thursday, November 10!

Ask them to reverse their decision to adopt the Common Core Standards.

Gov. Robert J. Bently
(334) 242-7100

Joseph B. Morton
(334) 242-9700

Mr. Randy McKinney J.D.
(251) 967-2166

Yvette Richardson Ed.D.
(205) 923-7262

Mrs. Ella Bell
(334) 834-2811

Dr. Charles E. Elliott M.D.
(256) 580-1705

Mr. Gary B. Warren
(205) 486-9696

Mary Scott Hunter J.D.
(888) 531-1312

(Board members Betty Peters and Stephanie Bell oppose Common Core Standards.)

Make your calls today and forward this on to a friend!

After making your calls consider e-mailing each one of them. Click here to do so.