CWA Marshall Prayer/Action Chapter Kick-Off Meeting To Be Held January 21!

By January 5, 2016Minnesota

Do you, or someone you know, live in or near Marshall, Minnesota?  If so, read on.  If not, please consider starting a group in your area.  Contact us today to find out if there is a Chapter in your area and/or how to start one.

We are excited to announce the first meeting of the Marshall CWA Prayer/Action Chapter to be held on Thursday, January 21! 

No doubt you are as concerned about the many moral issues threatening our families and our nation today.  Most people want to respond and work to create a better nation for our children and grandchildren but are unsure of the steps to take. This meeting will help you discover how together we can make a difference in our community, as well as in our state and nation.

When: Thursday, January 21, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. (In case of inclement weather listen to KMHL radio 1400 AM for information.  Snow date is January 28 at 6:30 p.m.)

Where: Marshall Area Community Center at 107 S 4th St., Marshall, MN 56258

Bring: A friend. Women, men and teens are all welcome and encouraged to attend.

CWA Prayer/Action Chapter Leader: Arlene Markell

RSVP: Please contact Arlene at 507-530-1088 before January 19 if at all possible.

Arlene is excited to meet together with like-minded individuals like yourself to pray, be educated and take action on CWA’s seven core issues.

“Judeo-Christian values once served as the bedrock of Western Civilization. In recent times, Western Civilization has willingly chosen to exchange the faith and logic of a Biblical worldview for an irrational secularism based on an unthinking and cruel relativism. This foolish exchange is at the root of the glaring injustices of modern American public policy. Concerned Women for America affirms the Bible’s unmistakable standard that there is right and wrong, that God is the Authority who established right and wrong by creation and by revelation in His Word, the Bible, that He has sent a Savior Jesus Christ, to free us from our sin (wrong) by simple repentance and to enable us through the Holy Spirit to do what is right.

“Because the culture war that has engulfed our society makes claims on every area of life, we must set priorities thoughtfully to determine how best to fulfill our calling as believers to be salt and light in the community God has placed us.

“Please make plans now to attend our first meeting and be sure to invite a friend!  I look forward to meeting you!”

If you live in the area please do all you can to attend this kick-off meeting.  You will be glad you did.