CWA Event: Protect Young Minds Online Act

By July 4, 2021Missouri

If you live in or around Camdenton, Missouri, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri invites you to come to hear CWA of Missouri Legislative Liaison, Alissa Johnson, speak on the Protect Young Minds Online Act (PYMOA), Tuesday, July 27 in Camdenton, Missouri.

The Missouri State Capitol in advocating for the passage of PYMOA – legislation that will require internet service providers in the state to add a filter to protect children from viewing pornography/obscenity online. This legislation is the first and only of its kind and has been vetted and supported by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

More than forty years ago, Missouri lawmakers created a Missouri statute that would make furnishing pornographic material to minors a Class A misdemeanor. The statute has never been updated to include the internet. Presently, minors are accessing pornography/obscenity via the internet on their cell phones, home computers, friends’ laptops/tablets, etc. The PYMOA will be a partial remedy for that.

According to the testimony of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners in Missouri, they are finding that over 40 percent of perpetrators who assault minor children are minor children themselves – ages 10-14. These assaults by children are attributed to the acting out of what they have observed while watching online pornography.

We Need You! This is the third year that PYMOA has been filed, and movement for its passage made in the Missouri General Assembly. Each year that the PYMOA is not passed, the problem grows exponentially. It will take an active, grassroots outcry to motivate elected members of the General Assembly to pass this bill.

Meeting Details:
When: Tuesday, July 27 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Key Gathering Place, 1163 Business MO 5, Camdenton, MO 65020
Who: The general public is invited to attend this free event. Men, women, and teens are welcome to attend.

About Alissa Johnson
Alissa Johnson is a member of the CWA of Missouri leadership team. Her duties as a Legislative Liaison include meeting with legislators in both chambers of the Missouri General Assembly to discuss legislation, testify at legislative hearings, pray for and encourage legislators, as well as participate in activities designed to educate lawmakers and communities statewide on important legislation.

We hope to see you there.

Bev Ehlen
State Director