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Calls Needed to Shield Children from Pornography

By March 4, 2021Missouri
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SB 336, the Protect Young Minds Online Act, is a very good bill. Sponsored by Sen. Rick Brattin (R-District 31), SB 336 will require internet providers to provide a filter so that when a person searches online and is directed to an obscene website, the person will be required to enter a password to proceed to that website. SB 336 will better protect minor children from accessing online pornography. A similar bill, House Bill 919, is sponsored by Rep. Doug Richey (R-District 38.)

Read more about the Protect Young Minds Online Act.

Advancing Technologies Necessitate Updated Statutes
A statute established more than 40 years ago made furnishing pornographic material to minors a class A misdemeanor. In the past, a cover was put over a magazine, the magazine was put behind the counter, and pornographic videos were moved to a back room, out of the reach of minor children. The problem today is technology has advanced, and statutes have never been updated to incorporate this technology. We need this legislation to include pornographic websites for the protection of innocent minor children.

Take Action

  1. Contact your state senator and urge him or her to support SB 336 and contact your state representative and urge him or her to support HB 919. Click here to find your state representative and state senator. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Missouri, be sure to let them know.
  2. Contact Speaker of the House Rob Vescova (R-District 112) and request that Speaker Vescova give his full support to HB 919. Phone: 573-751-3607 or email (
  3. Forward this information to other concerned family and friends.

Please pray: Father, please help our senators and representatives understand how important it is to protect our children from the harms of pornography. Give them the wisdom and COURAGE to say “yes” to these bills. Lord, may Your will be done in Missouri. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bev Ehlen
State Director