“Cromnibus” Rammed Through, Deadline Extended to Saturday for Final Passage

Earlier this week, House Republican Leadership introduced their 1603-page “Cromnibus.”  A spending measure created by a continuing resolution and omnibus. This legislation, H.R. 83, is a massive $1.1 trillion end of year spending package which, when passed by the Senate, will fund the government.

The House unveiled the final language of this gigantic bill late Tuesday night and in the 11th hour, after much uncertainty, it passed by a vote of 219-206 late Thursday evening.

Despite the House finally sending the bill over to the Senate, the deadline to fund the government before a shutdown (December 11 at midnight), was too close. As a result, a two-day continuing resolution (H.J.Res 183) was issued to keep the government functioning while the Senate considers H.R. 83.

Here are some of the notable provisions included in the funding measure that fall within CWALAC’s seven core issues:


Blocks the Prevention and Public Health Fund from being used as an ObamaCare slush fund.

Cuts the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), also referred to as the death panel board, by $10 million.


Maintains yearly pro-life provisions banning federal funding to perform abortion.

Prohibition on abortion funding in the Peace Corp was modified to contain an exception for cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

Includes language to increase transparency for abortion coverage in the health care exchanges.

Language included directing Health and Human Services to enforce the Weldon amendment and to respond to the complaints filed with the Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health.

Funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is $35 million (same as FY14).

Funding for International Family Planning/Populations Control Activities is “not less than $575 million (same as FY14).

Title X Family Planning Program is $286 million (same as FY14).


Title V Abstinence Education State Block Grant Program – increases abstinence education funds and allows for unused funds to be rolled over.

Cuts funding for Race To The Top.

Increases funds for the Head Start Program.

No funding allocated for Common Core State Standards


Prohibits local and federal funds from being used to legalize marijuana with the District of Columbia.


$3.1 billion in aid is allocated to Israel, including $175 million for successful “Iron Dome” missile defense system.

Stops assistance to the Palestinian Authority if it becomes a member of the United Nations or United Nations agencies without making an agreement with Israel.

Prohibits funds for Hamas.


Shari Rendall is CWALAC’s House Legislative Director and Alexandria Paolozzi is CWALAC’s Senate Legislative Director.