“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
To our delight, Rep. Nancy Tate (R-District 27) introduced HB 397 to ensure schools teach ALL the facts about human development. By including an age-appropriate video in the 6th-12th science curriculum that explores the complete process of human development from the single-celled human to a baby with a beating heart, brainwaves, fingers, and toes, Kentucky students will be fully informed about the facts and truth of the life in the womb.
HB 397 sets basic guidelines for using video as instruction in the classroom. The mission to create a culture of life in Kentucky by changing hearts and minds is just beginning. Instructing the next generation on the foundational truths of life in the womb will bear eternal fruit!
- Watch this amazing video. It is a great example of what is being used in other states.
- Contact your representative and encourage them to support the passage of HB397. If you don’t know who your representative is or how to contact them, go here. When contacting your representative, be sure to tell them that you were made aware of this bill by Concerned Women for America of Kentucky.
- Contact Nancy Tate, if time allows, and let her know how much you appreciate her standing up for life. Be sure to let her know that you were made aware of this bill by Concerned Women for America of Kentucky.
- Find out if a CWA of Kentucky Prayer/Action Chapter exists in your area! Join a group to enjoy the fellowship of like-minded women who desire to impact their community, state, and nation.
- Start a CWA of Kentucky Prayer/Action Chapter in your area! CWA of Kentucky needs faithful women willing to lead others in prayer and action monthly. We make it easy. You are needed! If you would like more information, contact me today.
- Support CWA of Kentucky today! Your generous donation assures that the work of CWA of Kentucky continues to protect and promote Biblical values and constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy.
PRAY! Pray God gives our leaders wisdom and discernment as they legislate for a better Kentucky!
Thank you for your continued support of CWA of Kentucky. Together, we will make an impact for His Kingdom!