“While most of the media continues on its “Oh my goodness! Can you believe what Trump did now?” tour, here is yet another issue where President Trump shows he is most sensitive to the concerns of the American people.
“President Obama completely ignored the reasonable concerns of the mothers, grandmothers, and young women I represent, who by the thousands wrote to express their apprehension of this government intrusion in the most sensitive of areas.
“No one has ever said that the plight of transgender children should be ignored. However, there is simply no reason to burden all children and force those who feel uncomfortable with this to “just deal with it” because of political correctness.
“It is not bigotry for a mother or a young woman to feel uncomfortable with the government forcing them to share restroom facilities with biological boys. Women deserve privacy in restrooms, locker rooms, overnight accommodations, and other sensitive areas, without government interference.
“President Trump’s directive shows concerns for all students. This is good and should be supported by all, including transgender rights advocates.
“The thousands of members of Concerned Women for America applaud President Trump for delivering on yet another promise. We are encouraged by the common-sense, respectful way in which he is treating all Americans, not just those on one side of the argument, as we saw under the Obama Administration.
“President Trump has our full support on this.”