Concerned Women Through History

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we offer a seven-part series, each with a short featurette on one of Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) core issues and three women who champion that cause: one from Scripture, one from history, and one from today. The seven featurettes will cover our core issues: Defense of Family, Sanctity of Human Life, Education, Sexual Exploitation, Religious Liberty, National Sovereignty, and Support for Israel.

The list is by no means exhaustive; and many more women could be added to each category. But even a partial list is meant to inspire us to look up to these women and to honor their excellent achievements, which are too often ignored by the hijacked feminism of today.

One breed of today’s hijacked feminism is the movement for a “women’s strike” this month, a radical protest by women who feel American society has been inherently against them.  These women fail to recognize the brilliant opportunities and blessings of America, and instead harbor bitterness, resentment, and a demand for government dependency.  Women’s History thus becomes a forum for pouting liberalism — for women who focus only on what they don’t have and how they want the government to get it for them.

In one sense, these women are right in that life is not always easy for all women.  But the government is the worst place to turn to solve their problems.  Women need better role models who understand the source and solution to adversity and who ultimately rely on the Lord.  They need to hear examples of Concerned Women Through History, who changed their world for the better — without bitterness, violence, and faulty ideology.

#WomenMakeAmericaWork is a truth that CWA hopes resounds through this Women’s History month and the discussions around the women’s strike.  Rather than walking out on the job, we hope women know their work matters and that they can make a real difference in our nation.  The women in this series, most of whom are from Israel or America, are women who show how their hard work and God’s grace have lifted them up to remarkable and inspiring destinies.

Concerned Women for America is also honored to have our own modern-day “Esthers,” “Ruths,” and “Corrie Ten Booms” in our midst, as leaders in states all across our nation, whom we also wish to extol.

In each Concerned Women Through History Featurette you will find women who, in their time and place, helped spread the message of freedom within God’s design.  We hope you enjoy this conservative woman’s history!


1) Sanctity of Human Life — Hebrew Midwives, Elizabeth Blackwell, and Sancha Smith

What if the Hebrew midwives had killed Moses on the birth stool. Imagine if they had given in to the male genocide of the time, as many succumb to the female genocide that exists today.  Imagine if they gave in to the government’s laws, the conventional wisdom of the times, the mantra that they must help destroy lives.

2) Family — Ruth, Abigail Adams, and Kari Zeier

Abigail Adams was, in many ways, the woman behind American independence.  Farmer, supportive wife, community organizer, and fiercely faithful to God, Abigail was truly a “Founding Mother.”

3) Education — Eunice, Septima Clark, and Jill Noble

It is Timothy’s mother, and her mother before her, who set the young leader on a good path.  We learn here that education and the family are linked.  We are reminded that spiritual maturity — learning the ways of God in our life — begins at home and extends out to an entire community.

4) Religious Liberty — Miriam, Anne Hutchinson, and Tanya Ditty

Freedom.  It’s something for which every human heart longs.  That opportunity to connect with God and seek Him.  Women throughout history have taught the world something about the need for freedom.

5) National Sovereignty — Deborah, Joan of Arc, and Bev Ehlen

There is a deep valor in standing up for one’s own nation.  Believing in a nation’s sovereignty literally means believing in the state’s right to “self-govern.”  It is the patriotism that protects one’s own nation against those who seek to oppress or destroy it.