Concerned Women Outraged by Health Care Ruling, Committed to Repeal

Nance: “We are outraged to see the Supreme Court ignoring the constitutional limits the Founders put in place to constrain the federal government’s power”

Washington, D.C. — Concerned Women for America President and CEO Penny Nance has released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court ruling to uphold President Obama’s health care law:

“We are outraged to see the Supreme Court ignoring the constitutional limits the Founders put in place to constrain the federal government’s power over us. Shame on them!

With this decision they have given a blank check to the federal government, forever altering the constitutional concept of checks and balances that has been so crucial throughout our history.

We wholeheartedly believe we must strive to make health care more affordable for all Americans. But it is inconceivable to believe we must infringe on our constitutional rights in order to achieve that.

Women will be especially hurt by today’s decision. As we have seen with the contraception mandate, the politicization of so-called women issues by the left leaves the majority of women extremely vulnerable to the exploitation of a few radical groups that exert much political influence in Congress and the White House.

Women want to make their own decisions when it comes to their health care, with the support of their families and their doctors. It’s preposterous to suggest the government would do a better job at deciding what is best for us and our loved ones.

We are determined now more than ever to repeal this nightmare and to help Congress enact commonsense reforms that will help make health care more affordable, while empowering Americans to make the best choices they see fit for themselves and their families.”

CWA is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization, working to educate voters about what is at stake when they enter the voting booths in 2012. CWA launched She Votes 2012 to register, energize, and turn out women voters this November. For more information on CWA’s get out the vote effort, visit