Concerned Women for America of Virginia Responds to Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger’s Co-sponsoring and Voting Favorably for the Deceptively Named “Equality Act.”


Concerned Women for America of Virginia Responds to
Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger’s Co-sponsoring and Voting
Favorably for the Deceptively Named “Equality Act.”

Her Vote Will Harm the Women of Virginia.

Richmond, VA – On behalf our members who reside in Rep. Abigail Spanberger’s (D-District 7) congressional district, Concerned Women for America of Virginia wants Rep. Spanberger to know that she has been misled and fooled by H.R. 5, the deceptively-named “Equality Act.” The Equality Act makes an unverifiable and unscientific attempt to address discrimination by elevating protections for select groups on the basis of a new definition of sex. H.R. 5 redefines the term sex to include “sexual orientation and gender identity” in civil rights law, elevating “gender identity” over the protected class of sex as male and female.

As absurd as it sounds, this bill Rep. Spanberger supports strips women from any protection from men who would identify as women in bathrooms, locker rooms, women’s shelters, sports competition, and more.

The Equality Act would give any person the right to claim “gender identity” as the opposite sex at any time. This legislation is a direct threat against every woman in America and in our great state of Virginia. Its effects are nothing less than extreme, far-reaching, and uncontainable.

Most importantly, Americans do not need the Equality Act to ensure equal rights. All people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, already receive equal protection of the laws under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Equality Act will be used, as other gender identity policies have, to impede upon the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls.

Supporters like Rep. Spanberger have no way of defending the threats the Equality Act have against women even though basic common sense makes it obvious to most people. It’s a shame Rep. Spanberger blindly jumped on the bandwagon.

Concerned Women for America of Virginia rejects this misguided legislation with far-reaching implications that would be imposed on the American people, especially women.

For more information on the Equality Act, visit our website at


Toni DeLancey
State Director
Concerned Women for America of Virginia

Janet Robey
Associate Director
Concerned Women for America of Virginia
