Concerned Women for America of Virginia Hosts Sharia Law Events in Three Locations in Central Virginia

By December 9, 2011Virginia

The Southside Chapter leader of ACT! For America presented an informative seminar on Sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. The program started with the Qur’anic background, Sharia law and the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. and then went on to show the infiltration into our political, social, economic and religious institutions. She presented information on the militant Islam movement in our country. From violent jihad, stealth jihad, the advancement of the Muslim Brotherhood, she warned us about the infiltration of this ideology into our government from local all the way up to the White House.

The first of three events was held in Troutville at Rainbow Forest Baptist Church. Holly Rich, CWA’s Prayer/Action Chapter leader, had this to say “Awesome night! The program was extremely informative and well attended. Living in America where we separate “law,” “politics,” and “religion,” it is hard for us to comprehend a system where those three things are considered inseparable. Seeing the increasing numbers of Muslims in our country, it seems wise for us to understand their strategic goals and how they are working to implement them in America.”

At the next event, the men of Brookhill Wesleyan Church prepared and served a wonderful home cooked breakfast. Pastor Joe Horrell of Brookhill Wesleyan Church stated, “If the Church continues to turn a blind eye to political processes is our land, then Sharia Law will slip into our legal system and our President’s statement that ‘We are no longer a Christian Nation’ will unfortunately be true.”

Brookhill Wesleyan Church event

The three events ended with a presentation at the Liberty Law School. Amanda Haas, CWA chapter president at Liberty University shared, “It is so vital for every American to know exactly what is going on in our country with Islamic influence. We need more educational seminars and presentations like this to expose this radical Islamic agenda that is pervading not only our American law system, but is indoctrinating young people to be accepting of anti-American goals and sentiments. I am so thankful for the work of ACT! For America and other groups and individuals who are dedicating to preserving our American principles and foundation and getting others to do the same.”